"Superb analysis skills, ability to innovate without specific direction, dedication to getting the job done and prescience for just the right look and feel for the end product are just a few of the reasons for employing DBS."

Business Services
Defined Business Solutions is an established management consulting firm that helps businesses grow their revenues through expansion, targeted marketing, acquisitions, strategic reorganization, and partnerships. We give our clients the confidence to make major decisions that will affect the future of their businesses. In 15 years we've helped clients increase revenues used to generate 500,000 jobs, and we've saved other clients millions by avoiding the wrong strategic moves. How do we achieve these results?
- We work with you on the really tough challenges – the unstructured ones that don't lend themselves to textbook solutions
- We help companies find the right technologies to enhance existing products or accelerate development of new ones
- We help you discover opportunities to enter new markets, position your company to achieve a competitive edge, and partner with others to take advantage of synergies that increase profits
- We develop unique strategies for every client, taking advantage of our extensive investigative capabilities that go far beyond Internet-based research. DBS has no "Boiler Plate" plan
- We assign a top-level consultant familiar with your industry to supervise your project, but we also provide experienced staff to handle time-consuming tasks; We provide interim reports and pilot studies to determine if we are on track
- We deliver solutions and strategies that can be implemented immediately
- Throughout our engagement, we work directly with you to make sure we understand your company and your needs; Customer satisfaction is a hallmark of our business