"Superb analysis skills, ability to innovate without specific direction, dedication to getting the job done and prescience for just the right look and feel for the end product are just a few of the reasons for employing DBS."
Market Analysis
DBS provides solutions that can open up new domestic or international markets to clients. We have experience in developing long-term industry-wide assessments and quick snapshots of specific technology or business opportunities. Our extensive research allows us to provide cogent assessments of pricing, competition, current marketing strategies, current and potential users, labor requirements, safety and regulatory issues. In addition, we supplement our own research by consulting recognized experts in the field. Our unbiased recommendations allow key leaders to make appropriate decisions that can either lead to increased profits or avoid costly missteps. We can provide:
- Product assessment
- Manufacturing and sales strategies
- Analysis of potential for growth and product placement
- Profiles of targeted market sectors that can identify opportunities for product placement
- Detailed profiles of potential clients
- Opportunity and performance due diligence
- Product marketing plans that offer realistic assessments of your company's chance to succeed in new markets
- Recommendations for determining appropriate market niche for your product or service, including contracts with government agencies
- Specific strategies for penetrating new markets